How to set up assessment criteria in a Written RoundTable

Here is how you can set up and edit assessment criteria
Written by Anna Lisa
Updated 2 years ago

You can edit/create your own assessment criteria in an Written RoundTable by following the steps below:

  1. Click the Settings tab.

2. The assessment criteria section is already pre-loaded with Parlay's assessment framework.  Check off the criteria you would like to use or add your own criteria.

3. If you are not using a tally, select a max score for the criteria you will assess

4. Click Save

5. You are good to go! You can assess students by clicking the assessment tab for each student (once they have written their response!)

Students will be able to view your assessment criteria as they write their responses:

A pop-up will appear:

That's all! 

Continue exploring the Written RoundTable in the links below:

- How to Boost Participation in a Written RoundTable

- How to Assess the Written RoundTable

- The Parlay Approach to Assessing Discussions

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