Flagging student comments in a Written RoundTable

How inappropriate student comments are monitored in a Written RoundTable
Written by Anna Lisa
Updated 2 years ago

While a teacher cannot edit or review any student posts prior to the students submitting, students can 'flag' each other's responses.

Here is a student view of flagging a comment:

If a submission is flagged, the teacher will receive an in-app notification and email notifying them.

Select the three dots in the corner of their submission to hide or delete the comment/submission.

You also have the option to unflag a submission.

Pro tip: We suggest the following RoundTable: Creating Your Classroom Contract

Within this discussion and more you can:

  • Remind students in the discussion prompt that inappropriate language is not tolerated, and the teacher will always know who is who. Therefore they are held to account although they are anonymous to their peers.

  • If a student writes something inappropriate, the teacher can remind them to edit their original post to remove it.

That's all! 

Continue explore the Written RoundTable in the links below:

- How to Boost Participation in a Written RoundTable

- How to Assess the Written RoundTable

- Assessment: Best Practices 

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