How to add new users (For Administrators)

Here is how you can add teachers and students to your organization
Written by Anna Lisa
Updated 2 years ago

There are two ways to add new users to your organization:

  • Upload a CSV Template

  • Manually Import User Information Using Table

  • How to upgrade trial teachers

Note: These imported users will have upgraded accounts and count towards the total number of school/district licenses used.

8 steps to import users using a CSV Template:

  1. Select Users on the left sidebar

  2. Select Add New Users

  3. Select Download Template. Once downloaded, you can fill in the CSV file with the teacher's information including name, email, role, and site.

    CSV File Template:

  4. Upload the CSV File

  5. You will see the newly imported users listed in the table

6. Select which users you'd like to Import by pressing the box beside their name.

Note: Select the email notification box above the table if you'd like teachers to be notified that they've been added to the portal. Included in the email is a link to log into their Parlay account.

Here's what the email notification to teachers looks like:

7. Select Import

8. The following message will appear to confirm the number of users imported. Select Finish to continue.

And there you have it!

5 steps to import users using the table

Alternatively, you can enter their information manually in the table at the bottom of the page:

  1. Fill in their information.

    Note: The role information is case-sensitive. Please ensure you write teacher or student in all lowercase.

  2. Select the checkbox to identify which users you would like to import.

  3. Select Import in the top right corner.

  4. Confirm the number of users added.

  5. Select Finish.

You'll be brought back to the User Management Page to access and view user information.

Upgrading Trial Teachers

Trial teachers are those whose accounts are not upgraded, but have email addresses that also match the approved email suffixes for your school / district.

Toggle on the Trial Teacher button to view these users.

Press upgrade to automatically upgrade these teacher accounts so they can have full access to Parlay.

Note: You may see names here that are part of your district, but not part of your school.

If you have any questions, send us a note in the chat bubble!

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